About the S.A.I.L.

Sequential Art Image Laboratory

Geo AI is the result of a collaboration with the L3i of La Rochelle University since 2014 in the framework of a common laboratory, the Sequential Art Image Laboratory.
The S.A.I.L. is sponsored by the French National Research Agency since 2017, gathering the R&D efforts between the two partners started on their own from 2010 (Geo Comix SAS was then named Actialuna SAS).

Purpose of the S.A.I.L.: BD, comics, manga and webtoon are alltogether a multimodal medium, a symbiosis between images and text, enriched by the assumed participation of the reader. Moreover, the artistic diversity of 9th Art in its industrial or independent forms, past or modern, paper or digital, is considerable. Developing an AI capable of interpreting and extracting the geometric and textual semantics from the illustrations is already a challenge in itself. But to go further by progressively interpreting the meaning is even more difficult, and these are the objectives that S.A.I.L. has set itself since then.

Beyond translation: all what Geo AI can do

L3i Laboratory - La Rochelle University

Accessible comics

Thanks to Geo's automatic detection of texts and characters, visually impaired people will finally be able to access comic books easily.

National Research Agency - LabCom

Better indexation

Exploit all the data extracted by Geo AI to significantly enrich the referencing of your comic books, as well as your own on-site search engine results.

European Union

Web/Print conversion

Our technology can be used to develop a semi-automated webtoon ↔︎ print conversion tool. Accelerate your designer adaptation work up to 50%!

European Union

Rich digital comics

Take advantage of Geo AI to enrich the ePUB production of your comic books: make them multilingual, ready for a guided view navigation, and much more.